Online Payments Now Accepted

We are glad to announce that online payment for Wisconsin Forum events is now accepted through PayPal. Both PayPal payments and major credit cards are accepted. Members and guests are now able to purchase single event reservations, as well as full season membership...

Gary Johnson – January 22, 2015

Redefining the Liberty Movement Governor Gary Johnson, the former Libertarian Presidential Candidate, grew up in an upper middle class neighborhood of Minot, North Dakota, with a teacher father and a mother who worked with the Bureau of Indian Affairs. He was exposed...

Dale Kooyenga – November 18, 2014

Wisconsin’s Fiscal Condition Dale grew up the oldest of four siblings in a blue collar family and neighborhood. The son of a garbage man and a nurse, he is proud of the Christian values and strong Midwestern work ethic instilled in him by his parents. Following...

Mark Thornton – September 24, 2014

Drug Prohibition Mark Thornton is Senior Fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute. He serves as the Book Review Editor of the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics. He served as the editor of the Austrian Economics Newsletter and as a member of the Editorial Board...