by [email protected] | Aug 20, 2019 | Past Speakers
Mark Skousen Has the POTUS Become a PONTIFF? Power, Political Economy and the Constitution Mark Skousen was recently named one of the top 20 living economists in the world. Since 1980, Skousen has been editor in chief of Forecasts & Strategies, a popular...
by [email protected] | Aug 19, 2019 | Past Speakers
Daniel Kelly The Appropriate Role of the Wisconsin Supreme Court Daniel Kelly is an American lawyer who has served as a Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice since 2016. He was appointed by Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker to fill the unexpired term of David Prosser, Jr. He...
by [email protected] | Aug 18, 2019 | Past Speakers
Michael Tanner Why socialized healthcare is more expensive, decreases in value and reduces services over time Cato Institute Senior Fellow Michael Tanner heads research into a variety of domestic policies, with an emphasis on poverty and social welfare policy, health...
by [email protected] | Aug 17, 2019 | Past Speakers
James Taylor Global Warming Is Not a Crisis, but Government “Solutions” Are James Taylor is a senior fellow for environment and energy policy at The Heartland Institute. He is the former managing editor (2001-2014) of Environment & Climate News, a national monthly...
by [email protected] | Aug 16, 2019 | Past Speakers
Jay Richards The Human Advantage: The Future of American Work in an Age of Smart Machines Jay Richards, Ph.D., O.P., is an Assistant Research Professor in the School of Business and Economics at The Catholic University of America, Executive Editor of The Stream and a...
by [email protected] | Aug 25, 2018 | Past Speakers
Matthew Kibbe Socialism Kills. So why do so many young people think Socialism is cool? Matt Kibbe is Co-founder and President at Free the People, an educational foundation which uses cutting edge technology, video production and good old storytelling in order to turn...