Attention Wisconsin Forum Member:
The Board of the Wisconsin Forum would like to make you aware of an upcoming event hosted by the Milwaukee Lawyers Chapter of the Federalist Society. Richard Brookhiser, one of America’s preeminent historians of our country’s founding, will speak about his recently published book James Madison on Wednesday, March 21st at Noon at the next Federalist Society luncheon event at the Milwaukee Athletic Club. Details regarding the luncheon are attached. In James Madison, Mr. Brookhiser chronicles Madison’s role as the Father of the Constitution but also examines Madison’s lesser-appreciated role as the Father of Politics. Mr. Brookhiser is a journalist, historian and biographer who has written and spoken about politics and politicians (living and dead) for over forty years. He has authored ten books, including George Washington on Leadership, What Would the Founders Do? and Alexander Hamilton, American. Mr. Brookhiser is a senior editor of National Review, where has written for 35 years, and is a columnist for American History. He also wrote a column for the New York Observer for twenty years and has contributed to The New Yorker, Commentary, and Vanity Fair. He wrote and co-hosted the PBS documentaries Rediscovering George Washington and Rediscovering Alexander Hamilton. He appears frequently on the History Channel and the Colbert Report.
Books will be available for purchase and signing.
Here is a link to more information on this event.